A downloadable game

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Prepare to enter the cutthroat world of milk delivery! In the olden days (i.e., the 1990s), it was common to get milk delivered to your home each morning. Milk deliveries were run by dairy companies, who would have to bid for their routes. The better routes would earn more money with fewer deliveries, and the very best would do this while already being close to another route. 

In this game, 3-4 players are owners of dairy companies. They will start with a handful of cash and a selection of routes. On their turn, they offer two routes for sale at a price of their choosing, and give other players a chance to buy those routes. But not all neighbourhoods are equal, and even more importantly, each player will value them in vastly different ways. And what if you don’t really want the other players to buy your routes?!?

This is a print-and-play tabletop game. You will need access to a printer and some components in order to play.

Published 3 days ago
TagsBoard Game, Tabletop


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Milk Dublin Version PNP.pdf 18 MB

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